Green Energy Transition in Latin America – What to Expect in Regards to Green Hydrogen, Storage and E-Mobility (Focus Brazil and Mexico)

Side Event | 20. Juni 2024 | ICM München

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How Latin America uses its vast resources will shape the region’s energy future and the role it plays in the global energy system. Latin America has the greenest electricity matrix in the world, the fastest growing emissions of the transport sector and the highest use per capita of public transport globally. The region is uniquely positioned to take advantage of green hydrogen, energy storage and e-mobility.

The leading solar markets in LATAM, Brazil and Mexico have extraordinary renewable energy resources and very dynamic markets. The smarter E Europe – the world’s largest get-together for the energy industry– looked into past developments in LATAM’s energy markets and discussed its current hot topics and future potential.

The event was hosted by The smarter E South America and Intersolar Mexico.

Quick Facts

Date June 20, 2024
Sessions Times 2:00pm–4:00pm
Event Language English

ICM – International Congress Center Messe München

Room 5


Welcome – What to expect
Gioia Müller-Russo (Solar Promotion International GmbH)

Latams Role in Accelerating Integrated Energy Solutions
Dr. Florian Wessendorf (Solar Promotion International GmbH)

Latam PV Markets (Focus on Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia)
Dr. Rodrigo Lopes Sauaia (ABSOLAR)

Latam Storage and Green H2 Markets (Focus on Brazil, Mexico, and Chile)
Markus Vlasits (ABSAE)

Latam e-mobility and EV-charging perspectives (Focus on Brazil, Mexico, and Chile)
Cesare Quinteiro Pica (MOVE Eletromobilidade)

Panel Discussion
Moderation: Marisol Oropeza (matters)
Panelists: Dr. Rodrigo Lopes Sauaia (ABSOLAR), Markus Vlasits (ABSAE), Cesare Quinteiro Pica (MOVE Eletromobilidade)

Meet the Experts (Networking)


Frau Gioia Müller-Russo

Telefon +49 7231 58598-218
Fax +49 7231 58598-28

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