Quality Assurance and Risk Mitigation through (Pre-)standardization in the Hydrogen Economy

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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 9:46 .


Irem Alcioglu
Expert Hydrogen Technologies
VDE e.V.

Talk of session: How to Obtain Suitable Conditions from Banks and Insurance Companies?

The appetite to invest into Green Hydrogen projects is high, though some key ingredients are still a bit exotic and slow down the investment process, requiring a lot of overhead for handling. A comparison can be drawn to the early days of large PV projects. The session answers to: What instruments will the insurance industry elaborate? What are the conditions for bank financing, what the perspective of private investors? What are the procedures to ensure Hydrogen respects its colour?

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction


Burkhard Holder
Managing Director
VDE Renewables GmbH

To Talk

Smart Risk Management of Hydrogen Technology


Patrick Hinze
Head of Green Tech Solutions (Emerging)
Munich RE

To Talk

How to Obtain Suitable Conditions from Banks and Insurance Companies

To Talk

GLS Bank's Contribution to Green Hydrogen in German Energy Transition


Christian Marcks
Senior Expert Dept. Head of Competence Center for Renewable Energies
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

To Talk

Frame Conditions and Challenges of Hydrogen Projects


Natalia Westhäuser
Founder and CEO
Profas Energy Consult GmbH

To Talk

Partners & Sponsors

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