Energy Savings & Cost Reduction in Commercial Buildings

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Recording of Friday, June 16, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 7:42 .


Slawomir Chelminski, Inhaber, Innovation Energy,

Talk of session: EM-Power Start-up Pitches 3

The transformation of the energy system into a smart grid requires quick and creative solutions. It's no small wonder, therefore, that the number of start-up companies driving digitalization even across sector limits is immense. Meet some of those start-ups and learn about their innovative ideas in this session; be inspired by these young founders' pioneering spirit.

Further Talks of this session:

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Wie Mieterstrom deutschlandweit skalieren?

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Energy Sharing – a Game Changer in the Energy Transition?

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hymate: Leveraging Decentralized Energy Systems for Affordable Clean Energy Year Round

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