Keynote Speech/ Opening

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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 18:45 .


Kerstin Jorna
Director General DG GROW
European Commission

Talk of session: ESIA Forum I: Solar Manufacturing in Europe - Ready for the Solar Renaissance?

Based on the European Commission's first Solar Strategy, the European Solar Photovoltaic Industry Alliance (ESIA) aims to build resilience and strategic autonomy for Europe's solar value chain by scaling up EU manufacturing of competitive, innovative and sustainable products. The first ESIA forum will consist of two sessions, the first of which will be a high-level political forum discussing the state of solar manufacturing in Europe. The panel will discuss the following questions: Is the EU on track to reach its target of 30 GW of capacity covering the entire value chain by 2025? What are the main barriers to creating a notable solar manufacturing industry within the EU? What support measures for local manufacturing are in place?

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