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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: Deutsch | Duration: 8:37 .


Talk of session: CPO & EMP - The Backbone of the Mobility Transition

Even though automotive companies, start-ups and many others often steal the spotlight, municipal utilities play an important role in the energy transition. Let's take the electric car charging infrastructure: In large cities, local energy suppliers often have a monopoly on charging stations. This is particularly true for emobility providers (EMP) and charge point operators (CPO), as they are indispensable for the mobility transition to work while determining the charging costs. Who is going to win this race for the expansion and operation of charging infrastructure in the short and medium term - municipal utilities or private companies? How can EMPs and CPOs work together effectively and maybe even complement each other? Moderator: Markus Emmert, Board member, German Federal Association for eMobility, Germany

Further Talks of this session:

Begrüßung & Eröffnung

To Talk

Ihr Leitfaden für eine erfolgreiche OCPI-Implementierung für EV-Roaming (Englisch)

To Talk

Wie können CPOs ihren Service durch Schnellladeinfrastruktur verbessern? (Englisch)

To Talk

Direct Payment für CPOs (Englisch)

To Talk

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