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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 12:05 .

The smarter E AWARD Finalist 2023

A photovoltaic installation combined with a hydrogen energy storage system provides zero-carbon electricity and heat to a commercial property in Meckenheim near Bonn, Germany. The storage device is charged with excess power from a photovoltaic installation with 98 kilowatt-peak (kWp) located on the roof and façade of the building. Renewable energy makes the building fully independent. The heat produced during the conversion of hydrogen is utilized by two heat pumps. They are driven by the reconverted energy, which is stored as hydrogen in cylinder gas packs during summer. Although this type of long-term storage requires a major investment making it financially not viable, as a showcase project it demonstrates and makes accessible to a large customer base what is possible using current technologies. This system is cascadable.


Zeyad Abul-Ella, CEO, HPS Home Power Solutions AG

Talk of session: ees AWARD & The smarter E AWARD Finalists

The ees AWARD finalists as well as TSE AWARD finalists active in the energy storage sector will present in short keynote speeches their selected products or projects, that really drive the transition to a clean energy system.

Further Talks of this session:

FENECON Industrial L

To Talk

HUAWEI FusionSolar Residential Smart String ESS LUNA2000-7/14/21-S1

To Talk

Sungrow PowerStack ST500CP Liquid Cooling Energy Storage System

To Talk

TrinaStorage Elementa

To Talk

TWAICE ESS Battery In-Life Analytics Software

To Talk

A powerful energy storage system for electric Postauto Brugg (CH)

To Talk

Further Content
ees Europe Forum 2023
FENECON Industrial L

Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 10:45 am - 12:30 pm

The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program

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Ludwig Asen, CPO, FENECON GmbH Category: Energy Storage

The smarter E Europe Conference 2023
Restructure for Infrastructure: Enabling the Energy Storage Needed for Renewables

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 04:30 pm - 06:00 pm

The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program

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Technology is the key to battery storage markets developing at a rapid pace. Just look at the way system costs have dropped drastically in recent years as a result of progress in the development of battery materials and battery cells and advancement in storage system technology.In the diverse stationary markets in particular, opportunities for technological alternatives to the lithium-ion battery are being opened up. In this session, you can hear from experts directly about current progress in the development of specific battery technologies and learn about the impact those battery technologies are set to have on the market for electrical energy storage systems in the near future.

ees Europe Forum 2023
Compressed Air Energy Storages for Application in Buildings and Industry

Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 04:00 pm - 05:04 pm

The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program

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Peter Fritzen, CFO & Co-Founder, Green-Y Energy AG

Webinar Collection
Market Study – The German PV and Battery Storage Market

July 30, 2024

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Join us for this webinar to gain insights into the current state of solar energy in Germany and the strategies needed to achieve these ambitious targets.

The smarter E Europe Conference 2023
The Future Role of Flexibility Support Schemes and Their Impact on the Storage Industry in Europe

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 02:30 pm - 04:00 pm

The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program

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The pressing need to mitigate the impact of climate change and to deal with the ongoing energy crisis requires a new regulatory framework in Europe. This is why the European Commission has presented a legislative proposal for the adaptation of the EU Electricity Market Design in Q1 2023. But how would this new framework impact the energy storage market? How would the provision of flexibility be encouraged? How would existing entry barriers for energy storage be further reduced? In this panel, representatives from the EU, utilities, IPPs and storage providers will be discussing whether the new market design is suitable for incentivizing both the necessary energy storage installations and ideas for future improvements.

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