Sungrow PowerStack ST500CP Liquid Cooling Energy Storage System

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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 12:38 .

ees AWARD Winner 2023

SUNGROW POWER SUPPLY from China is one of the world's leading manufacturers of solar inverters and battery storage systems. The new PowerStack ST500CP is a powerful modular energy storage system for commercial and industrial applications. It has an output of up to 250 kW and a storage capacity of between 537 and 1,146 kilowatt hours (kWh). The pre-installed design, the above ground cabling and the wireless control of the energy management system make for easy installation and commissioning, saving up to 60 percent installation time. Internal liquid cooling reduces the energy required for thermal management by 30 percent and keeps the temperature differences between individual cells at just ≤2.5°C. According to the manufacturer, this innovation reduces irregular cell aging and can extend the system’s life span by up to two years. The panel found this a compelling product innovation, and one of the winners of the evening.


Yanni Luo, Energy Storage System Engineer, SUNGROW POWER SUPPLY Co.,Ltd

Talk of session: ees AWARD & The smarter E AWARD Finalists

The ees AWARD finalists as well as TSE AWARD finalists active in the energy storage sector will present in short keynote speeches their selected products or projects, that really drive the transition to a clean energy system.

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