Opportunities and Challenges for the Development of Local Industry in the Areas of Energy Storage and Green Hydrogen

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Recording of Thursday, August 31, 2023 | ees South America Conference 2023 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 11:54 .


Marília Rabassa
CELA - Clean Energy Latin America

Talk of session: Industrialization vs. Global Interdependence - The Role of Domestic Industry for Green Hydrogen and Energy Storage

Both for solar and energy storage China has become an industrial powerhouse and a dominant player in global supply chains. However, in light of recent geopolitical developments, both the US and Europe have been making significant efforts to 'onshore' production of critical components, such as battery cells and PV panels.This session will examine Brazilian industry policies and local production initiatives in the context of these global developments and explore how these activities could contribute to a competitive local supply of solar PV and energy storage components and systems.

Further Talks of this session:

Green Hydrogen, Opportunities and Challenges for Northeastern Brazil


Joaquim Caldas Rolim de Oliveira
Executive Secretary of Industry
Secretaria do Desenvolvimento Econômico

To Talk

The Development of a Competitive Local Supply Chain for Energy Storage Systems - the Example of Moura


Felipe Ramos
BESS Engineering Manager
Moura Group

To Talk

Brazilian Technological Development in the Area of Green Hydrogen - the Example of Hytron


Dr. José Antonio Donizete Rossi
Commercial R&D&I Officer
Hytron R&D&I

To Talk


To Talk

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