Sunmaxx PVT - Next Level for Solar Industry

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Recording of Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 8:27 .

Intersolar AWARD Finalist 2023

The PVT modules reach an electric output of 395 W combined with a solar thermal output of 1,522 W thanks to 108 monocrystalline half-cut cells based on passivated emitter and rear cell technology and installed on a flat plate collector with an efficiency of 60 percent. While standard PV modules reach cell temperatures of 65 degrees Celsius, the PVT modules are capped at 30 degrees Celsius when they are connected to a heat pump. The Sunmaxx PX-1 weighs just around 3.5 kilograms per square meter more than a comparable PV module. The efficient and cost-effective generation of solar power and heat supply makes the most of restricted space.


Franz Ziering, CSO, Sunmaxx PVT GmbH

Talk of session: Intersolar AWARD & The smarter E AWARD Finalists

The smarter E Europe AWARD and the Intersolar AWARD are the international flagship AWARDs of the solar industry - they are bestowed for groundbreaking innovations and pioneering solutions in the areas of photovoltaics (PV) and PV-integrated systems at The smarter E Europe in Munich. In this session, the finalists of the Intersolar AWARD and of The smarter E AWARD will be presenting their prizeworthy projects and developments.

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