Heat Pump, Wallbox & Battery Storage: What Does the New Regulation of §14a EnWG Mean in Practice?

Free Webinar

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 | 11:00am–12:00pm CEST | Webinar Language: German

By 2030, 15 million electric vehicles and 6 million heat pumps are to be connected to the grid in Germany. In order to avoid overloading the electricity grid, an emergency instrument was introduced this year in the form of the provisions of Section 14a of the Energy Industry Act.

Its implementation poses major challenges for grid operators, suppliers, appliance manufacturers and not least the electrical trade: We discuss how the new regulations will be realised technically, what hurdles exist and what will also apply from 2025, with a legal assessment by Anna von Bremen, LL.M., Partner at Osborne Clarke, and a look at the practical side by Sebastian Mahlow, Managing Director of ison GmbH.

The recording and the speakers' presentations are available here on our digital content platform The smarter E Digital.


Robert Busch, CEO, Bundesverband Neue Energiewirtschaft


Lars Petereit, Head of Digital Energy Transition and Electrification, Bundesverband Neue Energiewirtschaft

Lars Petereit is Head of Digital Energy Transition and Electrification at the German Association of the New Energy Economy and is responsible for the areas of digitalisation, flexibility, heat and mobility. He studied political science, economics and renewable energies. Previously, he worked as a Policy & Energy Industry Officer at the German Heat Pump Association and in the European lobby of an energy-intensive company.

Our Guests

Sebastian Mahlow, CEO, ison GmbH

Sebastian Mahlow, Managing Director of ison GmbH with almost 20 years of experience in the energy transition. After building up the electricity and biogas portfolio at LichtBlick SE, he went on to network over 1,000 mini-CHPs to create Germany's first virtual power plant at household level. Most recently, he launched the energy-as-a-service business at LichtBlick and founded the company ison in 2022 to flexibilise prosumers with the energy market.

Anna von Bremen, Partner of the law firm Osborne Clarke

Anna von Bremen is Head of Energy Innovation at Osborne Clarke. She advises the energy industry on regulatory and energy law issues relating to digitalisation in the energy sector. She also conducts complex regulatory litigation. Her clients include energy producers and trading houses, industrial companies and utilities.

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