The German PV and Battery Storage Market

The first of its kind, this study offers an overview of the photovoltaics and battery storage market in Germany. It provides the latest statistics on the PV market and battery storage systems, along with an examination of current funding mechanisms in Germany. From market outlook to anticipated growth in the PV market and the evolving role of battery systems, this study outlines both present state and future prospects. Commissioned by the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar), supported by Intersolar Europe 2024 and conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, it represents a significant contribution to understanding the dynamics of Germany’s renewable energy landscape.

At the heart of Germany’s energy transition is photovoltaics (PV) which happens to be the countries’ favorite form of energy generation, according to surveys. With ambitious government targets and framework conditions to match that ambition, a PV capacity totaling 215 GW by 2030 and 400 GW by 2040 is realistically achievable. Photovoltaics have emerged as the key element of Germany’s energy landscape, flanked by onshore and offshore wind power. The anticipated annual PV capacity increase published by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) demonstrates a linear growth path to 2026, after which it stabilizes at 22 GW for subsequent years. The expansion is intended to consist of a roughly fifty-fifty distribution of ground-mounted systems and rooftop systems.

Furthermore, market trends point to continuing robust growth across all market segments, from residential systems to industrial applications and ground-mounted solar parks, driven by increasing demand for affordable, green electricity, the population’s desire for greater energy independence, robust remuneration schemes, regulatory support for PV and battery storage systems, as well as substantial market opportunities for investors and installers. By 2030, further trends are expected to accelerate as Germany ramps up its efforts to meet its ambitious climate targets.

Publishers: BSW Solar / Solar Promotion GmbH


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