Land Lease: Farmers vs. Investors and Corporations?

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Recording from Tuesday, November 29, 2023 | AgriVoltaics Industry Forum Europe 2023 | Sprache: English | Länge: 15:05 .

Session: Economic Utility for Farmers and PV Users in Agriculture - The Role of Farmers and Investors


Land Lease: Farmers vs. Investors and Corporations?
Darell Leroux, Energy Climate Advisor, FNSEA (France)

An Insurance's Perspective on Agrivoltaics
Jürgen Brühl, Key Client Executive Energy & Power, Marsh (Germany)

How to Make an Agrivoltaic Project Bankable and Insurable: A Technical Advisor's Insight
Xavier Daval, Kilowattsol (France)

Diversification of Income Using the Example of Apple Farming
Mark Kugel, APV-Musterbetrieb Gartenbau


Theresa Kärtner, Advisor for renewable energies, German Farmers' Association DBV (Germany)
Olivier Dauger, FNSEA

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