Panel Discussion: Critical Ingredients for the EU H2 Menu

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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 58:45 .

Panel Discussion: Critical Ingredients for the EU H2 Menu

What is required to make the European hydrogen competitive on a global scale? Is the financing world ready to take up projects at scale, in Europe, or globally? Is the supply chain ready? What role is to be expected by the large incumbent players? How does Europe become a hydrogen champion? Together with the audience, the answers of the recognized roundtable experts will be analysed and discussed.


Marc Rechter
Co-founder & CEO
Resilient Group

Maria Trinidad
Managing Director

Sébastien Paillat
Head of Investment at Hy24 & Co-founder
FiveT Hydrogen AG

Cornelius Matthes
Chief Executive Officer
Dii Desert Energy + MENA Hydrogen Alliance

Olivier Bucheli
European Electrolyser & Fuel Cell Forum

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