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Recording of Thursday, June 15, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Exhibition Program 2023 | Exhibition Program | Language: English | Duration: 8:57 .


Manuel Pessanha, Geschäftsführer, Synertics GmbH

Talk of session: Intersolar: Start-up Pitches 2

Start-ups are significant drivers behind the energy transition - with their potential to transform, they boost important processes that optimize our energy system, such as decentralization and digitalization. With regard to applications, business models and technologies, they redefine the boundaries between the impossible and the possible. In this session, the start-ups presented at Intersolar Europe in exhibition hall B.5 will be presenting their solar energy products and projects.

Further Talks of this session:

Entfesselte Effizienz: Beschleunigen Sie Ihren Screening-Prozess mit der Kraft von KI und kollaborativem GIS

To Talk

Wie jeder Solarteur PV-Anlagen ohne Anschaffungskosten anbieten kann - mit unserem Solar-as-a-Service Angebot

To Talk

End-to-End Planning and Design for Utility-Scale PV Projects

To Talk

Automatische Szenarioanalyse mit PVRADAR: Optimierung von Reinigung und Repowering

To Talk

Zeit aufzuwachen: 5 Gründe, warum die meisten Solarbetriebe nicht die passenden Fachkräfte finden.

To Talk

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