Welcome & Introduction: Trends in Large-Scale BESS Integration Reflecting the Overall Market Development

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Recording of Tuesday, June 13, 2023 | The smarter E Europe Conference 2023 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 13:33 .


Florian Mayr
Apricum - The Cleantech Advisory

Talk of session: Trends in Large-Scale BESS Integration Reflecting the Overall Market Development

Integrators of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are positioned at the very core of the value chain for large-scale energy storage systems. Their decisions such which BESS component design to use, which product and software portfolio to offer or which supply chain approach to be taken very well reflect the requirements and trends in the energy storage market.In this panel session, some of the industry's leading BESS integrators and developers will be discussing the developments, opportunities and challenges of the energy storage market, and which BESS products and business models are best suited to address them today and in the future.

Further Talks of this session:

Pitches by Panelists


Rebekka Schuster
Chief Commercial Officer
EDF Renewables Storage Deutschland GmbH

Daniel Sherlock-Burke
Head of Asset Performance
Gore Street Capital Limited
United Kingdom

Dr. Marek Kubik
Managing Director
United Kingdom

Andreas Görtz
President Business Unit Sustainable
Rolls Royce Solutions GmbH

Matthias Giller
Head of Sales
MaxSolar GmbH

To Talk

Panel Discussion

To Talk

Further Content
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