Panel Discussion

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Recording of Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 19:23 .

Panel Discussion on Improving Short-term Generation Forecast Accuracy and the Role of AI in PV Plant Operations

The panel discussion began with the moderator taking over and inviting questions from participants. Joyce, from Eleta in Brazil, raised a query about whether integrated software uses operational data to recalibrate short-term generation forecasts more accurately due to resource variability not captured in feasibility studies. Julián responded by explaining that their platform integrates with design companies like PlanPredict in the U.S., utilizing bi-directional APIs for various business processes. This integration helps retrain models using operational data to predict power output better. Clément Boussard from ILF Consulting asked Mr. Ascencio-Vásquez about defining baselines for budget production against actual production and identifying loss causes. Ascencio-Vásquez described their approach of running simulations twice: once using 30-year average weather (TMY) and again with current actual data, comparing both outputs to adjust predictions accordingly. Lastly, Jonathan addressed misconceptions about AI replacing natural intelligence or expertise within industries like PV plant operations or development. He emphasized that while AI is valuable when understood correctly alongside physical systems' basics, it cannot wholly replace expert knowledge at this stage.

Automatisierte Zusammenfassung durch AI Conver


David Daßler
Team Leader for PV System Assessment & Diagnostics
Fraunhofer Center for Silicon-Photovoltaics CSP

Talk of session: Utility-scale Solar Power II: Digitalization in PV Power Plants - Enhancing O&M through Digital Twinning, Data and Process Integration

The utility-scale segment is being digitized at a rapid pace. New digital tools make workflows along the PV power plant value chain more cost-effective: from development to operations and maintenance. A key concept in PV digitalization is the so-called digital twin, a digital representation of the physical PV plant that accurately simulates the performance of a solar system. A digital twin enables better failure detection and support of the O&M decision-making process. This session will discuss: The role of digitalization and digital twins in the solar power plant sector How digitalization can enhance O&M activities Need for full integration of data along the value chain of PV power plants Benefits, drawbacks and hurdles for digitalization in the utility-scale segment (panel debate).

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome and Introduction


Ulrike Jahn
Senior Scientist
Fraunhofer Center for Silicon-Photovoltaics CSP

To Talk

Mapping the Relevance of Digitalisation for Photovoltaics


Jonathan Leloux
Managing Director

To Talk

Why Digitalization Is the Right Choice for Your Lifetime Asset Operation


Dr. Julián Ascencio-Vásquez
Head of Solar Advanced Analytics

To Talk

Use Cases for a Digital Twin Within an Integrated EPC and O&M Company


Dr. Björn Müller
Enmova GmbH

To Talk

IEA PVPS Task 13 Activity 2.4: Digitalisation in the PV Sector


Christian Schill
Group Manager "PV Power Plants"
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

Dr. Atse Louwen
Senior Researcher
EURAC Research Institute

To Talk



Ulrike Jahn
Senior Scientist
Fraunhofer Center for Silicon-Photovoltaics CSP

To Talk

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