Panel Discussion

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Recording of Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | The smarter E Europe 2024 | Conference Program | Language: English | Duration: 17:20 .

Panel Discusses Hurdles in Scaling Up Smart Charging and V2X Adoption, Citing Regulatory Challenges, Grid Congestion, Consumer Behavior Changes, and Lack of Standardization

The panel discussion revolves around the hurdles preventing the widespread adoption of smart charging and V2X (vehicle-to-everything) technologies. The primary challenge highlighted is balancing power flow due to extreme peaks in renewable energy production from PV (photovoltaic) and wind sources, which requires a shift in production strategy and load flexibility. Congestion problems within existing grid infrastructure also pose significant challenges, necessitating changes in grid operations to accommodate these new demands. Panelists pointed out that consumer behavior change is essential; customers are not yet accustomed to variable electricity tariffs compared to fixed fuel costs. Concerns among bus operators about ensuring readiness without disrupting services were noted as well. Other issues include insufficient rollout of smart meter gateways, particularly in Germany, highlighting the need for metering infrastructure improvements. Regulatory frameworks lag behind technological advancements, requiring standardization and interoperability enhancements alongside regulatory sandboxes for experimentation. In summary: overcoming technical barriers, enhancing customer education on flexible schemes, updating regulatory policies, and improving grid infrastructures are crucial steps toward scaling up smart charging solutions effectively across different regions.

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Talk of session: Powering Tomorrow: E-Mobility Integration and Its Impact on Grids

Explore the integration and impact of e-mobility on power grids. Join us for a deep-dive into the seamless integration of electric mobility with power systems and discuss challenges, breakthroughs, and the crucial role of smart grids. Learn about effective strategies for large-scale e-mobility deployment, drawing insights from AVERE's advocacy of sustainable transportation. Examine the transformative effects of e-mobility adoption on grids and infrastructure, discuss resilience, capacity planning and adaptive measures. The focus will be on three key areas: e-mobility power system integration, e-mobility deployment strategies, and their impact on the grid and infrastructure.

Further Talks of this session:

Welcome & Introduction


Raphaël Héliot
Policy Officer
AVERE - The European Association for Electromobility

To Talk

System Integration in Energy Transition


Prof. Dr. Christof Wittwer
Director Business Area 'System Integration"
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

To Talk

How to Realize a Smooth Integration of E-mobility Into the Grid


Begoña Cubian
Specialist New Initiatives: Sustainable Mobility

To Talk

Smart EV Charging-Charging to Infinity


Manuel Navarro
Sales Manager
Siemens SA

Alexandre Neto
Sales Manager for Americas and Iberia of Microgrids and Renewables Integration
Siemens AG

To Talk

EV Projects for System Operation Needs


Isabel Bohn
Advisor Flexibility
TransnetBW GmbH

To Talk

Capturing Opportunities in Balancing Markets with EV Charging Hubs


Bruno Moedim
Segment Owner-Energy Solutions
The Netherlands

To Talk

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